Dry and dull skin can give you a worn-out appearance and make you look older than your age. In fact, excessive dryness can cause irreversible damage to your skin, turning it dark and scaly. Dryness often makes your skin itchy and, if left unchecked, it can lead to more severe conditions like eczema or dermatitis. Skin dryness occurs when your skin is unable to retain moisture. Skin often becomes dry and flakyduring the winter months, when there is less moisture in the air. Other factors leading to dry skin include taking long, hot showers; using harsh soap or cosmetic products with harmful chemicals; contact with strong household cleaning ingredients like floor cleaners that take a toll on your skin; and allergies. While there are several commercial moisturizers available in the market for dry skin, most of them contain chemical products that can react with your sensitive skin and will cost you an arm and a leg to buy. You really don’t need those products. Several homemade face masks for dry skin can nourish and hydrate your skin. Method 1: Coconut & Honey MaskVirgin coconut oil is rich in saturated fats that nourish and moisturize your skin without making it oily or greasy. It also has antimicrobial properties that prevent and control acne breakouts and skin infections.
Honey also has strong antibacterial properties and hydrates skin, locking in the moisture to give it a soft feel. Lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory properties and lends a delicate fragrance to your skin. Things you’ll need:
Step 1. Combine coconut oil, honey and lavender essential oil in a bowl
Step 2. Whisk and apply it on your face
You can apply this rich homemade face mask for dry skin twice a week to get soft, supple and well-moisturized skin. You will see and feel a visible difference in your skin after your first application. Method 2: Banana MaskBananas are an extremely nutritious fruit with multiple health benefits. But did you know that it is also highly beneficial for your skin and hair? This tropical fruit contains moisture along with minerals like potassium and vitamins E and C that work to replenish and hydrate your skin. Raw honey helps lock in moisture and gives a warm, golden glow to your face. Yogurt further nourishes and soothes your dry, itchy skin. Things you’ll need:
Step 1. Peel and mash 2 bananas
Step 2. Add yogurt and honey
Step 3. Mix well and apply it on your face
You can also apply a light cream to retain the moisture. Use this homemade face mask for dry skin 2 or 3 times a week and say goodbye to dry, itchy skin. Regular use will leave you with well-hydrated, radiant skin. Method 3: Aloe Vera & Milk Cream MaskAloe vera has long been used in traditional Eastern medicinal therapy, due to its antibacterial and skin-healing properties. In fact, you can heal minor burns by simply applying aloe vera gel directly on the burn. This wonderful gel also works to reduce sunburns, acne and scars. The gel alone can have a drying effect on your skin, so we’ve combined it with milk cream that is rich in fats and works to nourish and moisturize your skin. Things you’ll need:
Step 1. Combine aloe vera gel and milk cream in a bowl
Step 2. Blend and apply the mask on your face
You do not need to apply any other cream after using this super-moisturizing face mask. You can apply this rich blend up to 4 times a week to rejuvenate your dry and damaged skin. Method 4: Oatmeal, Milk & Honey MaskPowdered oatmeal is a highly beneficial ingredient for use on dry skin. It acts as a gentle scrub that removes dead skin cells and dirt from your skin, while also moisturizing and soothing it. In fact, due to its anti-inflammatory properties and amino acids that help repair and heal skin, anoatmeal scrub effectively treats red, itchy skin. Milk is rich in fats and nutrients that further help rejuvenate your dry and damaged skin. Things you’ll need:
Step 1. Combine powdered oatmeal and milk with honey and lavender oil
Step 2. Mix well and apply it on your face
Apply this homemade face mask for dry skin 3 or 4 times a week to heal and repair your skin. Since oatmeal has soothing properties, you can also apply this face mask to provide relief from irritation and redness caused by dryness. Method 5: Egg & Olive Oil MaskThe bright yellow egg yolk contains water and fats that not only nourish and hydrate your skin but also work to lock in moisture. Olive oil is another light oil that replenishes your skin without making it feel greasy. It also contains vitamin E, which lends greater elasticity to your skin. Adding banana as well, this face mask is highly recommended for those who have extremely dry and flaky skin. Things you’ll need:
Step 1. Separate an egg yolk
Step 2. Peel and mash half of a banana
Step 3. Add the egg yolk and olive oil
Step 4. Mix well and apply it on your skin
Use this homemade face mask for dry skin 1 or 2 times a week to nourish dry, dull and damaged skin. Tips
Source from https://www.fabhow.com
February 2024